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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Know about pneumonia, preventable risk factor.

Dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, fever. Don’t be complacent because it could be a warning sign of pneumonia, a condition that is easily transmitted by inhaling germs mixed in the air directly into the lungs while the body is weak. The body’s immune system

Causes of abscess is a small thing that should not be overlooked.

An abscess is an inflamed pus-filled bump under the skin. The pus contains white blood cells, dead tissue, and germs. People with skin abscesses often feel pain when touching the abscess. The abscess may grow larger and produce a foul smell. In addition to the

Causes and Simple exercises to relieve symptoms of loose ankles.

Loose ankles can be cause by many things, such as frequent ankle sprains, accidents, aging, or inflammatory diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Which affect the ankles and may lead to ankle degeneration and loose ankles. When an ankle sprain occurs, the ankle ligaments are

Easy ways to solve the problem of being sleepy all the time.

Unusual drowsiness I was sleepy all that time. In addition to making you feel not fresh. It also directly affects work efficiency. Because if we are sleepy while working, it will cause the brain to work more slowly than usual. I rarely think of anything. And

Symptoms and Meaning of light menstruation

light menstruation are a condition in which menstrual blood flows less than usual. It can happen for many reasons. It may only happen once. And it’s not always a danger sign. It most often occurs in teenagers and women entering menopause. Light or short menstruation Also

Understand the basics take care of your skin

Under the concept of campaigning for everyone to stop using skin care more than necessary and focus on basics take care of your skin with 3 steps: Wash – Nourish – Protect, which is washing and cleaning the face. Thoroughly cleanse the remaining dirt on